Christmas 2017 trailer

Say hello (again) to Pearl Mackie’s Bill Potts!

The news was announced during the Doctor Who panel at San Diego Comic-con, although we are going to have to wait until Christmas to see how Bill makes her return.

Viewers of the latest series finale will know that Bill was turned into an old-school Cyberman (or woman, as it were) but was rescued from her fate by watery alien girlfriend Heather, and the two went travelling all of time and space together.

If all of that is not enough, we also learned that the title of this very special Christmas special is… ‘Twice Upon a Time’.

We also have some information on Gatiss’s character, who is a World War I solider known only as ‘The Captain’.

Diehard Whovians will know that Gatiss played a World War II pilot in both series five’s ‘Victory of the Daleks’ and series six’s ‘A Good Man Goes to War’, is Steven Moffat going to include one last bit of timey-wimeyness before he goes?

The series finale also revealed that David Bradley would be appearing the Christmas special as the First Doctor, and of course we’ll see Peter Capaldi regenerate into Jodie Whittaker.

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