The Power of the Daleks

BBC America and Fathom Events have announced that the new animated version of The Power of the Daleks will be shown in cinemas across the United States on 14th November 2016, a few days before it premieres on television at 8:25pm on the 19th November. The showings will also feature bonus content, including interviews with members of the original cast.

Kymberli Frueh, Fathom Events Vice President of Programming, said:
We’re pleased to continue our long-standing and successful partnership with BBC AMERICA to bring more fantastic Doctor Who content to the big screen The Whovians are always one of our biggest and most passionate groups of fans at the cinemas.

Soumya Sriraman, EVP, Franchise and Digital Enterprises, BBC Worldwide North America, said:
Ahead of the premiere on BBC AMERICA, it is a rare treat to be able to bring the lost episode, Power of the Daleks, to life using modern animation techniques. Doctor Who cinema events have been incredibly successful, and this is extraordinary opportunity to allow a new generation of fans the opportunity to experience this classic adventure for the first time.

Tickets go on sale for the showings via Fathom Events and at participating cinemas from 14th October.


Source : Doctorwhonews

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