The episode was seen by 6.95 million viewers, a considerable increase on the overnight rating of 5.15 million. Nonetheless, this does make it one of the least watched Thirteenth Doctor serials (though it is an increase in comparison to the Series 11 finale, The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos), and the least watched Doctor Whospecial shown over the festive period. Here’s the ranking of all Christmas specials, from The Feast of Steven to Twice Upon A Time.
We expect the final figures (which include BARB’s new 4-screen ratings) to top 7 million viewers, however.
According to film and TV journalist, Lizo Mzimba, Luther, the most watched show of New Year’s Day, increased a massive 3.2 million, from 5.6 million overnights to a consolidated 8.8 million. The series is created by Neil Cross (The Rings of Akhaten; Hide), and directed by Jamie Payne (Hide; The Time of the Doctor). It’s superb too, by the way. Catch it if you can.
Meanwhile, BBC America apparently isn’t too happy with Doctor Who‘s performance, with Resolution drawing in an average of 1.4 million viewers (coincidentally, this is also the average figure for the whole of Series 11 on the channel).
If you missed any shows over the festive period, including Resolution, you can find them on BBC iPlayer.
Source : TheDoctorWhoCompanion