The Day of the Doctor

The Day of the Doctor had a final confirmed audience on BBC One of 12.8 million viewers.

The rating is the highest for Doctor Who since the Christmas 2008 story The Next Doctor which had 13.1 million, and is the highest ever time-shift recorded for the programme. The rating is likely to make Doctor Who the highest rated show for the week, overtaking Strictly Come Dancing which beat it in the overnight figures. A full chart should be available tomorrow.

The episode has been accessed more than 2.7 million times on the BBC iPlayer, with over a million downloads on Sunday 24th November alone. It is the most accessed programme for the month with more than double that of EastEnders which is in second place. The episode is currently the third most accessed programme for the year.

Other high rated programmes on the iplayer include Doctor Who, An Ultimate Guide, with 0.69million accessing, The Night of the Doctor, with 0.6 million, An Adventure in Space and Time with 0.54 million and The Five(ish Doctors with 0.61 million.

By admin

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