The papers have been reviewing The Day of the Doctor, with most impressed by the 50th Anniversary episode.
The Mirror loved the show saying how Steven Moffat has put something together that not only gives hardcore fans a beautiful reinvention of their favourite show but also gives casual viewers a stonking story. The paper praises the acting as superb, with Matt Smith holding his own against veteran John Hurt. The Telegraph compares the acting styles of David Tennant and Matt Smith, calling the former edgy and mercurial, and the latter gentler, with a boyish eccentricity. They praised John Hurt as a fantastic counterpoint to the physicality of Tennant and Smith. With one withering look, he was able to silence his younger selves.
The Guardian found the episode confusing but praised the beautiful acting. The Mail called the episode typically chaotic, full of big, hollow bluster and knowing tiny detail. The paper disliked the effects, accusing the BBC on pandering to the American audience, while disliking the Zygons as not scary enough.
Online Mashable talked of a towering achievement of an episode one designed to please fans and newcomers alike which shows why the Doctor is finding his way into ever more homes and hearts. TVfanatic praised Steven Moffat for doing justice to a long-running favorite by paying homage to the past and opening up a new future of what will hopefully be a show generations in the future will continue to love.
According to social analytics company, SecondSync Doctor Who generated almost half a million tweets during its simultaneous broadcast to over 90 countries. Most tweeting about the episode were female, with the peak number of tweets occurring at the beginning of the episode at 12,939 tweets per minute.